søndag 24. februar 2013

Just checking in

I haven't had time to do much on Han after newyears, as I've gone back to school, and that takes up most of my time.
But this week, I had some time off and went to tinker a bit on the project.

I glued down the cast pieces even further, and tried to get them to lay as flush as I could:

Glued on the feet as well.

I also recieved one set of  "pockets" which go on the ends of the carbonite block, which I started to install.
No pictures of that yet, but next time I'll take some more pics.
And I presume I'll get to start pouring in some wood glue around Han and making the carbonite texture next time. As well as smeraing on some filler on the screwholes and joints and sanding that smooth.
I suspect I have a lot of filling and sanding ahead of me.

On another note, I found a local dealer which actually has the spray paint I'm looking for (at a reasonable price as well) so I bought a few cans of that, and I can't wait to just get a layer of primer on there.
With spring coming and the weather being a bit nicer, I can pull the HICs out in the garage and do the painting there. Helps me from getting suffocated by the fumes too.