tirsdag 4. desember 2012

Assembling The Frames

I'm now at the assembly stage, and there's lots of work ahead of me.
I have to strengthen both frames by adding cross braces, and rounding out all edges and add filler and sand it smooth.

The main casts are soon here, and I want to have as much done as possible, so I can start the mounting of the main pieces right away.

I also have to mount boards in the holes where the sidepanels are going to go. That's a time consuming process as well, as the boards have to be 90 degrees, while the sides of the box are slightly slanted at about 85.5 degrees.

I really hope to get a good days work done on these soon, so I can get a lot done.

I have actually kept a tally of the time used, and money spent. That might come in handy!

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